Good Afternoon Everybody!!
I hope that you have a great start of the week. To be honest I don't like Mondays so much haha but I'm always with a good attitude to do my best each week. I'm so happy for all the new followers on my blog and Instagram and for all the people that it is showing interest in me. Thank you so much for all your interest and it really motivate me to continue doing more posts and to be a better blogger each day. This outfit is very simple and I just want to share some of the pictures that I took over the weekend. I love this Levi's shorts that I got on the flea Market on Melrose months ago, the lace vest my mom gave it to me and she got at Mexico, the boots are from Fashion Ave. Finally this cute Jellybands are from Tanus Desings. They have beautiful accesories and they are really affordable. Make sure to check out their website
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